About Acupuncture Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an East Asian medicine practice that has provided safe and effective relief and healing for centuries. 

It involves strategic placement and insertion of small sterile needles to influence health and well-being through pathways called meridians. These meridians connect the entire body into one integrated system. The shin bone is truly connected to the arm bone. Working with the whole body can and does bring relief from pain, deeper relaxation and better sleep.

World recognition

In 1979 the World Health Organization (WHO) published a list of common conditions that effectively respond to Acupuncture, including:

  • Injuries and chronic pain

  • Respiratory difficulties and COVID recovery

  • Eye and Vision disorders

  • Dental problems

  • Gastrointestinal issues

  • Emotional/Mental conditions

  • Neurological and Muscular disorders

 Today we know this list to be much more extensive, comprehensive and researched.

Does acupuncture hurt?

No. Acupuncture needles are very, very thin and produce a tiny sensation with a bit of a tingle or warmth at that point — that’s endorphins being released. They are the signalers to keep things calm and to lessen pain, often triggered in long distance races and known as the Runner’s High. 

Are the needles safe and clean?

Yes. The acupuncture needles for your treatment are always sterile and used only once.

I follow state mandated protocols as per Commonwealth of Massachusetts and my license is awarded through the Board of Registration in Medicine, #392.

What happens in the treatment room?

Just like your Western healthcare provider, I follow well defined steps to assess health and these steps are very familiar.  First, the pulse(s) are taken, twelve in all, to determine which of the many organs or channels to best treat the pain, the terrible discomfort, the stress. Then, the tongue is examined for shape, coloring and coating that can help identify an imbalance in digestion and metabolism.

After the diagnosis, tiny, sterile needles are inserted just under the skin. Each point connects to another in balanced patterns, or meridians, to relieve symptoms and correct the cause of illness or discomfort. There are twelve meridians that connect for improved circulation and health.

How many treatments are necessary?

Everybody is different. Treatment plans depend on the diagnosis and available time as well as the urgency of therapy. We adjust your treatments according to weekly, semi-weekly or monthly visits. Acute conditions are treated more frequently while chronic conditions may take more time.